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Author: sun

Dinda Hani’ah Arum Saputri

Dinda Hani’ah Arum Saputri

Name: Dinda Hani’ah Arum Saputri Batch: 2018 E-mail: dindahaniahas@gmail.com Interest: Medical biotechnology (molecular and cellular biology) Research experience: I worked on the cell-substrate modification to direct chondrogenic differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC). This modification was used as an alternative instead of using chemical stimuli which are relatively expensive. The study used a mechano-induction method […]

Faris Dinulhaq

Faris Dinulhaq

Name    : Faris Dinulhaq Batch     : 2018 E-mail   : faris.dinulhaq@gmail.com Interest : Molecular biology, cancer biology, recombinant protein production, interested in molecular therapeutic-related business Research experience: most of my work are related to cancer research. I did a research in breast cancer cell to elucidate the effect of anti-cancer compound on cell’s gene expression. Furthermore, I […]

March 2021 Graduation

March 2021 Graduation

Name    : Novia Syari Intan Batch     : 2019 E-mail   : Noviasyari@gmail.com Interest : Molecular biology. Passionate about medical related research and business Research experience: I worked on the development of intranasal dual vaccine candidate against Norovirus (NoV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), particularly on the overexpression and purification of chimeric NoV P domain – HBV […]
