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Name   : Mahmuda

Batch    : 2022

E-mail   : mahmuda.forwork@gmail.com

Interest : Medical Biotechnology, Recombinant Protein, Research and Development.

Research Experience

My research focuses on the development of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate expressed on the CHO Expression System. The target antigen in the vaccine candidate development is S1 which is one of the Spike (S) protein domains fused with the Foldon (Fd) Fibritin T4 domain. The expressed S1-Fd protein was then subjected to protein purification, protein characterization, and antigenicity testing. This study aims to develop vaccine candidates for Covid-19 based on protein subunits.


Molecular Biology Techniques (Recombinant DNA Engineering, Protein Purification (AKTA), and Mammalian Cell Culture (CHO cells), Protein Characterization Techniques (SDS-PAGE), and Protein-Protein Interaction Techniques (Slot Blotting, Western Blotting and ELISA).


Biotechnology master’s program has given me an extraordinary academic experience so that it can enrich my knowledge of both soft skills and hard skills as well as my interpersonal skills as a Biotechnology Graduate. I realized that the experience and knowledge I gained came from a comfortable learning atmosphere which was the result of the collaboration of the roles of faculty, departments, lecturers, and students.

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