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Dicky Adihayyu Monconegoro

Dicky Adihayyu Monconegoro

Dicky Adihayyu Monconegoro

Name: Dicky Adihayyu Monconegoro

Batch: 2020

E-mail: dickeyhful@gmail.com

Interest:   Metabolite production, fermentation, industrial biotechnology, and bioprocess engineering.

Research Experience

My research focuses on the optimization of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) production produced by indigenous soil bacteria using a bioprocess engineering approach. ALA is an essential precursor for the biosynthesis of tetrapyrrole compounds such as heme, cytochromes, chlorophyll, porphyrins, and cobalamin, which are needed by the organism. I improved ALA production by optimizing fermentation media using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and adding MSG as the precursors and wood vinegar as the inhibitor. This research was aimed to lower the cost of ALA production on an industrial scale with higher yield. Furthermore, the trial of ALA production in a 10 L fermenter was conducted based on the best RSM optimization result. This experiment showed that the production of ALA using RSM optimization could produce ALA 3.2 times higher than before.


Microbiology Testing and Analysis (isolation, cultivation, enumeration, good laboratory practices), bioprocess and fermentation, fermenter operation, metabolism engineering, nanotechnology for biotechnology, technology of food fermentation, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, statistical analysis (Minitab™), and basic bioinformatics software.


Biotechnology Master’s Program SITH ITB prepares students to be competent and relevant to today’s world. The faculty and department provide me with advanced real-world application of life science, especially within the industrial biotechnology. After graduating from SITH ITB, I will contribute in National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and continue on my research about microbial metabolite production technology for industry. The last but not least, I would like to thank my supervisors, lecturers, staff, and my beloved friends who have been kindly sharing the knowledge and supporting me during my study.

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