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Alfonsus Adi Sadewa

Alfonsus Adi Sadewa

Alfonsus Adi Sadewa

Name   : Alfonsus Adi Sadewa

Batch    : 2020

E-mail   : sadewaadialfonsus@gmail.com, u428598c@alumni.osaka-u.ac.jp

Interest : molecular biology, genetic engineering, medical and bioprocessing biotechnology, downstream processing, recombinant protein production, diagnostic kit and biologics development, cell line engineering, microbial and mammalian expression system, research and development.

Research Experience

My research focuses on the development and production of dengue virus multi-epitope subunit vaccine candidate in E. coli. I applied reverse vaccinology approach to develop the vaccine candidate and it was predicted to be safe and effective for 4 serotype of dengue virus based on in silico study. Next, I created the cell line of E. coli harbouring gene of the vaccine candidate. Then, I successfully expressed the subunit vaccine in E. coli and characterized it. The solubility of it was determined by SDS-PAGE, whilst Western blot and indirect ELISA was used to detect the antigenicity of it against human monoclonal and polyclonal anti-dengue antibody respectively.  From this wet-lab study, I already determined that the subunit vaccine was antigenic towards polyclonal anti-dengue antibody from sera patient.


Basic immuno-informatics, basic bioinformatics software (BioEdit, BLAST, SnapGene, Geneious Prime), good laboratory practice, bacterial cultivation and storage, reagent preparation, gene expression, bacterial transformation, Sanger sequencing, Bradford Assay, SDS-PAGE, Western blot, silver staining, indirect ELISA, protein purification (immobilized-metal affinity chromatography), protein concentrator, dialysis, plasmid isolation, colony PCR, gel electrophoresis, spectrophotometry, statistical analysis (GraphPad Prism), graphic design tool (Bio-Render).


Department of Biotechnology really provides a fantastic atmosphere academic for the students to accumulate both hard-skill and soft-skill as much as possible. The department give me a lot of chance and support system to learn up-to-date knowledge which is match with the industry requirement. The lecturers are also supportive, and they can stimulate the curiosity of student to have growth mindset. Moreover, the students are always helped financially by many interesting scholarships, and they are also offered to participate in prestigious study programs, such as Double Degree Program with Osaka University. In conclusion, my experience in this department has been remarkable and unforgotten.

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