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Atika Afriani

Atika Afriani

Atika Afriani

Name   : Atika Afriani

Batch    : 2018

E-mail   : 27.atika@gmail.com

Interest : Industrial biotechnology, fermentation and bioprocess engineering, advanced agricultural biomass, by-product, and effluent research and development.

Research Experience

My research focuses on the optimization of Chlorella vulgaris biomass production and its quality and quantity of biochemical composition by adding molasses as organic carbon in mixotrophic cultivation. Improving biomass concentration and its biochemical composition is done by manipulating medium cultivation, ratio carbon organic (molasses) and inorganic (sodium bicarbonate) used, light intensity and photoperiod. Growth profile C. vulgaris was analysed by measuring its absorbance using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry and its cell density using haemocytometer. Moreover, chlorophyll, lipid and protein content is also determined by using UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. This research was aimed to determine the best molasses concentration as organic carbon source to optimize biomass production, and its biochemical composition and lower the cost of organic carbon source and medium in commercial scale further.


Microbiology Testing and Analysis, DNA Extraction, PCR, Gel-Electrophoresis, gene cloning, bioprocess and fermentation, microbial metabolites extraction, material balance analysis, wastewater analysis, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, Gas Chromatography, statistical analysis (R), and basic bioinformatics software.


Biotechnology master’s program is a right place to enhance my academic, laboratory and interpersonal skills. The lecturers and staff are very supportive, cooperative and stimulate student’s personal growth to reach study target. Students are also guided to be negotiable person against unsuitable results and conditions in lab works or study. Overall, studying in Biotechnology ITB is so impressive.



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