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Andre Hendrawan

Andre Hendrawan

Andre Hendrawan

Name : Andre Hendrawan

Batch : 2019

E-mail : andrehen95@gmail.com

Interest : molecular biology, systems biology, synthetic biology, cell factory, biocatalysis

Research Experience

Andre’s graduate research focused on the heterologous expression of human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 capsid protein and was conducted under Dr. Azzania Fibriani. He constructed the yeast Pichia pastoris capable of producing L1 protein and performed the meta-analysis of the heterologous L1 production performances.


DNA isolation, gene cloning, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), gel electrophoresis, spectrophotometry, fermentation, enzyme kinetics, fermentation kinetics, fermentation stoichiometry, SnapGene, MATLAB, Minitab


The MSc Program in Biotechnology at Bandung Institute of Technology offered an academic atmosphere that allowed me to develop myself to become an independent learner. Most of the coursework assignments encouraged me to self-explore through literature studies. The assignments mostly involved the presentations that gave me some opportunities to communicate the findings and build the scientific arguments through discussions with the other students and lecturers. Additionally, doing hands-on experiments in several courses and graduate research allowed me to learn to independently plan, prepare and perform experiments. I also learnt to analyze and interpret the experimental data, compare the findings and communicate the experiment results in a scientific journal. These experiences brought me to become a better scientist and science communicator.

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