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Acep Hendra Punja Unggara

Acep Hendra Punja Unggara

Name   : Acep Hendra Punja Unggara
Batch : 2022
E-mail   : hendra.alfarabi@gmail.com
Interest : Stem Cells Engineering, Tissue Engineering, Cosmetics Formulation, Cancer Biology and Nanotechnology

Research Experience
Over the past two years, my research has primarily focused on stem cell engineering and nanotechnology. I worked on tissue engineering by guiding the differentiation of Human mesenchymal stem cells from Wharton’s jelly tissue into chondrocytes cells, utilizing nanopatterns printed from Bluray optical discs. This research bridges multiple disciplines, integrating biotechnology (life science), materials science, and engineering physics. It explores mechanobiology process, where cells respond to mechanical conditions in their environment to determine their fate and its epigenetic condition.


Mammalian cells culture, primary cells culture isolation, DNA/RNA Extraction, RT-qPCR, Gel-Electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry and Raman Spectroscopy, Nano-imprint lithography, Immunofluorescence microscopy, Image Processing, and Statistical Analysis.


The master’s program in biotechnology provides a valuable opportunity for professional growth in diverse scientific settings, particularly in multidisciplinary fields like material science and engineering physics. I chose this program because it offers outstanding scientific learning and promising career prospects, especially for someone like me who is passionate about health advocacy. This program study has been affiliate with numerous renowned institutions allows students to build strong global networks. During my time in the Biotechnology program at SITH ITB, I discovered the type of researcher I aspire to become and developed essential skills in scientific writing, literation, analytical and good critical thinking.

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