To carry out online registration, please first register via the following link.
Online Registration form Prospective ITB Postgraduate Students
For prospective students who do not yet have a TOEFL score, they can take the ITB ELPT test organized by the ITB Language Center UPT. Prospective students are welcome to directly contact UPT Bahasa ITB at http://www.lc.itb.ac.id/.
Prospective students who do not have a TPA certificate can take part in the TPA which is directly organized by BAPPENAS. Please visit http://koperasi.bappenas.go.id page for more information.
For complete information regarding student registration, please visit https://admission.itb.ac.id/home/pascasarjana/magister.
The selection of prospective students for the ITB Postgraduate program consists of 3 stages, namely:
- Selection of the completeness of the required documents, which consists of:
- Certificate/proof of graduation from the previous education stage
- Transcripts from previous stages of education
- Statement of purpose
- Proof of insurance ownership
- Recommendation from 2 people (lecturer or supervisor)
- Letter of willingness to take part in the ITB Postgraduate Program
- Statement of ability to finance the ITB Postgraduate Program
- Document authenticity statement
- Selection of proof of passing the minimum score of TPA Bappenas and the minimum score of TOEFL/IELTS/ELPT ITB
- Selection of academic abilities carried by study program.
Each year the Biotechnology Study Program has two registration periods:
Odd Semester Period (lectures start in August)
Registration period:
February - July
Even Semester Period (lectures start in January)
Registration period:
October - December
*The opening of the registration for the even semester period is tentative for every year. Further information can be found on https://admission.itb.ac.id/home/pascasarjana/magister page
The selection process for admission to the Biotechnology Study Program emphasizes the value of the Academic Potential Test (TPA), the English language proficiency test (TOEFL/ELPT), as well as the academic material test (TMA) and interviews.
Academic material test and Interview Test materials:
Academic Material Test
- Cell biology
- Molecular Genetics
- Applications of biotechnology in health
- Applications of biotechnology in agriculture
- Applications of biotechnology in industry/microbiology
Interview Test
- Motivation
- Research direction to be developed
- Insights of prospective students: understanding of the field of interest and reasons for research interest (theoretical and applicable)
- Experience in Group Work/Research
- Funding/Source of Funding/Sponsorship
- Non-Technical Obstacles