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Miftahul Faridl

Miftahul Faridl

Name   : Miftahul Faridl Batch    : 2020 E-mail   : miftahfarid97@gmail.com Interest : Medical biotechnology, infectious diseases, gene expression analysis, molecular genetics Research Experience I researched the gene expression profile of oro-nasopharynx tissue from COVID-19 patients with multiple disease severities. Our work also includes the identification of bacterial coinfection and the infecting SARS-CoV-2 strains to better […]

Dwi Ajeng Permata Dewi

Dwi Ajeng Permata Dewi

Name   : Dwi Ajeng Permata Dewi Batch    : 2019 E-mail   : dwiajengpd18@gmail.com Interest : Natural products development for drug discovery Research Experience I researched about the biosynthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) using propolis extract and evaluation of its antioxidant properties. Starting from the extraction and characterization of propolis extracts using phytochemical and LCMS/MS analyses […]

Nadira Rahmatunisa

Nadira Rahmatunisa

Name   : Nadira Rahmatunisa Batch    : 2020 E-mail   : rahmatunisan@gmail.com Interest : I’m enthusiastic about industrial biotechnology, particularly MEOR research, the food and cosmetic industries, R&D, and quality control. Research Experience Utilizing a bioprocess engineering approach, I investigated increasing the production of biosurfactants by bacteria. The media and inoculum conditions were subjected to a specific […]

Muhammad Fauzan

Muhammad Fauzan

Name : Muhammad Fauzan Batch : 2019 E-mail : muhammadfauzanv@gmail.com Interest : Data science, data sonification, data analysis, statistics Research Experience My thesis research aimed to find a pattern in air quality data, drawing insight from air quality data analysis, and translating it into musical chord progressions. The goals were to create a novel air […]



Name   : Aisyah Batch    : 2019 E-mail   : aisyahbio98@gmail.com Interest : Molecular biology, protein production, cancer biology, business and research related to biotechnology in health Research Experience My previous researches were mainly about proteomics, I was engaged in downstream processing. During the master study I gained my interest in cancer biology research. My master thesis […]

Ira Rhabbiyatun Syani

Ira Rhabbiyatun Syani

Name   : Ira Rhabbiyatun Syani Batch    : 2019 E-mail   : irarhabbi@gmail.com Interest : Industrial Biotechnology especially Food and environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology. Research Experience My research experience focuses on the production of secondary metabolites such as the production of cellulase enzymes from termite gut bacteria and the antibacterial production of actinomycetes associated with marine sponges. […]

Alfriana Margareta

Alfriana Margareta

Name           : Alfriana Margareta Batch              : 2018 E-Mail            : alfrianam@gmail.com Interest           : Molecular biology, microbiology and bioinformatic I have a passion to work in a research and education. Research experience I worked on metagenomic study of microbial communities to obtain potential fungi in suppressive soil formation that was carried out through […]

Meutia Diva Hakim

Meutia Diva Hakim

Name   : Meutia Diva Hakim Batch               : 2018 E-mail              : meutia.divahakim@gmail.com Interest             : Protein production  especially antibody production, diagnostic kit development Research experience: My research is mainly focus on antibody production. I joined diagnostic kit development project in 2016 and worked on monoclonal antibody production using hybridoma technology. I also did internship in BPPT […]

Safira Meidina Nursatya

Safira Meidina Nursatya

Name: Safira Meidina Nursatya Batch: 2018 E-mail: safirameidina12@gmail.com Interest: Biomaterial and Medical Biotechnology Research experience: I was experiencing enormous research experience here since my research was part of research collaboration between Biology ITB department and Materials Science and Engineering ITB department. My research focused on developing skin tissue engineering using combinations of natural and synthetic […]

Akifah Nur’Azmi

Akifah Nur’Azmi

Name   : Akifah Nur’Azmi Batch   : 2019 E-mail : akifahnurazmi@gmail.com Interest : Molecular biology (Medical and industrial biotechnology) Research Experience : I worked on development of protease (HIV) inhibitor as anti HIV drug (antiretroviral), particularly on optimization of protease HIV-1 expression in E. coli and purifcation. Skill : SDS-PAGE, PCR, qPCR, gel electrophoresis, bacterial cultivation, […]
