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Benchmarking Kurikukum Universitas Negeri Malang

Benchmarking Kurikukum Universitas Negeri Malang

Pada tanggal 17 November 2022, Prodi S2 Bioteknologi SITH-ITB menerima kunjungan dari Prodi S1 Bioteknologi FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) dalam rangka benchmarking kurikulum. Pertemuan ini diawali dengan pemaparan struktur kurikulum S2 prodi Bioteknologi SITH dan mata kuliah dari jenjang S1 yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung kelancaran mahasiswa ketika melanjutkan studi di Prodi S2 Bioteknologi SITH-ITB. […]

Graduation – October 2022

Graduation – October 2022

Congratulations to the Graduates of the Biotechnology Master’s Program ?! “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” —Henry David Thoreau Our most sincere congratulations to the amazing graduates of the Biotechnology Master’s Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung. We are incredibly proud of how far you have come in your […]

Graduation – July 2022

Graduation – July 2022

Congratulations to the Graduates of the Biotechnology Master’s Program?!   “The horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change.” —Maya Angelou Our most sincere congratulations to the amazing graduates of the Biotechnology Master’s Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung. We are incredibly proud of how far you’ve all come in your time at […]



Genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 is one of the powerful strategies for developing plant resistance against viruses in chili pepper. Chili pepper productivity decreased due to the Begomovirus attack. On the other hand, chili pepper is a recalcitrant and genotype-dependent plant which makes it very difficult to regenerate and transform. Syahrul Nugroho, under the supervision of Dr. […]

Graduation – April 2022

Graduation – April 2022

Congratulations to the Graduates of Biotechnology Master’s Program?! “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela Our most sincere congratulations to the amazing graduates of Biotechnology Master’s Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung. We are incredibly proud of how far you’ve all come in your time at Biotechnology, ITB. We […]

Pelaksanaan Biotechnology Fair 2022

Pelaksanaan Biotechnology Fair 2022

[TERIMA KASIH!] Rangkaian acara Biotechnology Fair 2022 telah selesai dilaksanakan! Terima kasih atas kehadiran dan antusiasme seluruh peserta. Terima kasih juga untuk para pembicara yang luar biasa atas ilmu-ilmu yang diberikan. Semoga acara ini memberikan insight- insight baru yang bermanfaat untuk kita semua! Sampai bertemu di event-event Biotechnology SITH ITB selanjutnya?✨ BIOTEKNOLOGI ITB Instagram: @bioteknologi.itb […]



? Prodi Magister Bioteknologi SITH-ITB ? mempersembahkan: BIOTECHNOLOGY FAIR 2022 Webinar series dengan 4 tema utama yaitu: ?Day 1: Health • Stem Cells Application in Health – Nick Asbrock (Millipore Sigma) • Nanobodies & SARS-CoV2 *) – Dr. Phillip Pymm (Walter&Eliza Hall Institute) ?Day 2: Bioindustry • Development and Current Status of Biologics Industry in […]

Penghargaan Bidang Pengajaran

Penghargaan Bidang Pengajaran

Selamat kepada Dr. Karlia Meitha, Ketua Program Studi Magister Bioteknologi SITH ITB, sebagai penerima penghargaan bidang pengajaran dari Institut Teknologi Bandung. Semoga pencapaian tersebut dapat  menginspirasi dan memotivasi kita semua. Sukses selalu untuk Ibu Dr. Meitha, semoga dapat terus memajukan pendidikan di bidang Bioteknologi! BIOTEKNOLOGI ITB Instagram: @bioteknologi.itb LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/bioteknologi-itb Website: www. biotek.sith.itb.ac.id

[Biotechnology Focus #2]

[Biotechnology Focus #2]

COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic that has severely affected people’s lives. Biotechnology students are actively taking part in the effort to eradicate COVID-19. One of them is Nicholas Yamahoki, who is researching about multi-epitope COVID-19 vaccine, under the supervision of Dr. Azzania Fibriani and Dr. Husna Nugrahapraja. Nicholas hopes that his research will generate new […]
