- Compulsory Course : 18 SKS
- Track Compulsory Course: 12 SkS
- Elective Course
- Industrial Biotechnology
- Health Biotechnology
- Agricultural Biotechnology
Daftar Matakuliah Wajib Utama (18 SKS)
(a) Tatap muka/kelas (8 SKS) yaitu:
- Perancangan Penelitian Bioteknologi, Bioetik, dan Paten (2)
- Biologi Sel Lanjut (2)
- Genetika Molekuler Lanjut (4(1))
(b) Penelitian (10 SKS)
- Penelitian Magister I (4)
- Penelitian Mag. II dan Seminar (4)
- Tesis dan Sidang Akhir (2)
Matakuliah Wajib : Bioteknologi Industri
- Bioprocess and Fermentation (3(1))
- Microbial Physiology and Metabolism (3)
- Industrial Biotechnology (2)
- Metabolism Engineering (2)
- Enzyme and Biocatalyst Technique (2)
Matakuliah Wajib : Bioteknologi Kesehatan
- Rekayasa Sel dan Jaringan Hewan (3(1))
- Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (2)
- Pathogenesis and Infection (3)
- Vaccine and Diagnostic (2)
- Diet and Nutrigenomics (2)
Matakuliah Wajib : Bioteknologi Agrikultur
- Rekayasa Sel dan Jaringan Tumbuhan (3(1))
- Molecular Breeding (3)
- Genetic Modification for Agriculture (2)
- Plant Stress Biotechnology (2)
- Aquaculture Biotechnology (2)
Matakuliah Pilihan (12 SKS)
- Bioinformatika (3(1))
- Aplikasi Omics (2)
- Bioteknologi Reproduksi (2)
- Nanobioteknologi (2)
- Terapi Gen Berbasis Molekular (2)
- Virology Molecular (2)
- Aplikasi Mikrobiologi Lingkungan dan Bioremediasi (2)
- Mikrobiologi dan Teknologi Makanan Fermentasi (2)
- Post-Harvest Biotechnology (2)
- Plant Genomics and Biotechnology (2)
- Diet and Gut Microbiome (2)
- Plant Pathogenesis (2)
- Microbial Biofilm (2)
Kurikulum Program Studi Magister Bioteknologi