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Muhammad Fauzan

Muhammad Fauzan

Muhammad Fauzan

Name : Muhammad Fauzan

Batch : 2019

E-mail : muhammadfauzanv@gmail.com

Interest : Data science, data sonification, data analysis, statistics

Research Experience

My thesis research aimed to find a pattern in air quality data, drawing insight from air quality data analysis, and translating it into musical chord progressions. The goals were to create a novel air quality classification involving airborne viral concentration (SARS-CoV-2), and made it into audial data (musical chord) so that the person who has a visual impairment will be able to perceive the air quality around them through hearing the musical chord.


Data analysis, microbiology laboratory skills, fermentation, science communication, molecular biology technique, musical skills (violin), song composition.


I find my master degree experience to be exciting, but sometimes quite a little annoying. There are a lot of things to learn such as molecular biology, industrial biology etc. The faculty frequently provided us with a lot of sem/webinars about the latest development in biotechnology to keep us updated. The downside is sometimes the students are forced to follow the book/lecturers word strictly. Hence, I hope in the future this study program will put more effort to ensure that students are free to express their scientific thoughts, which is an essential aspect for scientist.

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