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Rifqi Zahroh Janatunaim

Rifqi Zahroh Janatunaim

Rifqi Zahroh Janatunaim

Name         : Rifqi Zahroh Janatunaim
Batch         : 2018
E-Mail       : rifqizahroh@gmail.com
Interest                       :

Molecular biology, microbiology and biochemistry.

Passionate about industrial related research and business.

Research experience  :

I worked on the in silico study to improve thermostability and activity of PETase and MHETase from Ideonella sakaiensis to degrade Polyethylene Terephtalate and other similar polyesters, particulary on the mutation of both enzyme, free energy analysis, and docking analysis using various software. I also experienced to plasmid design, DNA isolation, and protein analysis of both enzymes as my previous topic research.

Skills                                     :

Tools: PCR, gel electrophoresis, DNA extraction, bacterial transformation and cultivation, protein purification, SDS-PAGE, and spectrophotometry UV-Vis. Software: FoldX, AutoDock, Chimera, Discovery Studio, Bioedit, MEGA, SnapGene, and basic R studio.

Testimonial                        :

Studying in SITH Biotechnology Department is an amazing experience. Departing from different studying atmosphere from my undergraduate study. I was forged to be able to compete and catch up the knowledge that was left behind, thus I could stand in this level. Absolutely, this accompanied by the qualified experience and knowledge from the lecturers and supervisors and also adequate facilities. By graduating from SITH ITB, I am confident to contribute in the biotechnology development and application especially those coming from our job in the future, then I can play a role in society by that experiences. The last but not least, I would like to thank my supervisors, lecturers, staff, and my beloved friends who have been patiently sharing the knowledge and supporting me during the study.  Hopefully, SITH ITB will be the forefront in quality of learning and contribution.

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