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Irishtsany Indira Laily Nurdin

Irishtsany Indira Laily Nurdin

Name:Irishtsany Indira Laily Nurdin

Batch: 2023


Interest:  Omics, genetics, microbial genetics, heterologous production, bioinformatics

Research Experience

My undergraduate research focused on metatranscriptomic analysis of stress response gene groups in Cavendish banana bacteria. I performed metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis on banana fruit samples to compare microbial gene expression patterns under different conditions (ripe vs unripe, chitosan-coated and control). For my master’s thesis, I conducted research on heterologous squalene production in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). I successfully cloned and expressed the sqs gene from Javanese marine bacteria Virgibacillus salarius in E. coli, significantly increasing squalene production. These experiences have provided me with a strong foundation in both microbial genetics and the application of omics technologies.


PCR, electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, HPLC, DNA Isolation, RNA Isolation, molecular cloning, bacterial transformation, synthetic biology


I am so grateful for the opportunity to study at Biotechnology ITB. It has been a transformative experience for me. The rigorous coursework, combined with hands-on laboratory work and research opportunities, has equipped me with the knowledge and skills I need to excel in this field. The faculty members are passionate and dedicated, always willing to go the extra mile to help students succeed.

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