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Monthly Archives: Oktober 2022

Graduation – October 2022

Graduation – October 2022

Congratulations to the Graduates of the Biotechnology Master’s Program ?! “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” —Henry David Thoreau Our most sincere congratulations to the amazing graduates of the Biotechnology Master’s Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung. We are incredibly proud of how far you have come in your […]

Dicky Adihayyu Monconegoro

Dicky Adihayyu Monconegoro

Name: Dicky Adihayyu Monconegoro Batch: 2020 E-mail: dickeyhful@gmail.com Interest:   Metabolite production, fermentation, industrial biotechnology, and bioprocess engineering. Research Experience My research focuses on the optimization of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) production produced by indigenous soil bacteria using a bioprocess engineering approach. ALA is an essential precursor for the biosynthesis of tetrapyrrole compounds such as heme, cytochromes, chlorophyll, porphyrins, and […]

Rizal Awaludin Malik

Rizal Awaludin Malik

Name   : Rizal Awaludin Malik Batch    : 2020 E-mail   : rizalmalik72@gmail.com Interest : Environmental Biotechnology, Biological Wastewater Treatment, Anaerobic Digestion, Bioprocess Engineering, Metagenomic. Research Experience My research was focused on investigating optimum C:N ratio in anaerobic co-digestion in order to reduce organic pollutants and to decolorize the textile dye in synthetic textile wastewater. To monitor the performance of anaerobic […]

Sofia Safitri Hessel

Sofia Safitri Hessel

Name   : Sofia Safitri Hessel Batch    : 2020 E-mail   : hesselsafitrisofia@gmail.com Interest : Medical biotechnology, antiviral research, anticancer research, gene and protein modification, bioinformatics. Research Experience My master thesis research focused on the selection of the best suitable candidate for a plant protein based antiviral agent that works against the attachment of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein towards the human […]

Syarul Nugroho

Syarul Nugroho

Name   : Syarul Nugroho Batch    : 2020 E-mail   : synugroho@outlook.com Interest : Agricultural biotechnology, genetic engineering, genome editing, CRISPR/Cas9, molecular breeding, business of biotechnology. Research Experience My research focuses on the optimization of the regeneration and transformation efficiency of chili pepper to be used in the transient and stable transformation of CRISPR/Cas9. Genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 is a strategy […]



Name   : Mahmuda Batch    : 2022 E-mail   : mahmuda.forwork@gmail.com Interest : Medical Biotechnology, Recombinant Protein, Research and Development. Research Experience My research focuses on the development of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate expressed on the CHO Expression System. The target antigen in the vaccine candidate development is S1 which is one of the Spike (S) protein domains fused with the […]

Salindri Prawitasari

Salindri Prawitasari

Name   : Salindri Prawitasari Batch    : 2019 E-mail   : prawitasarisalindri@gmail.com Interest : Medical biotechnology, stem cell research, exosome, regenerative therapy, research and development. Research Experience My research focuses on the optimization of exosome derived from human Wharton’s Jelly Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hWJ-MSCs) through hWJ-MSCs preconditioning. hWJ-MSCs preconditioned with hypoxic condition and addition of L=Ascorbic Acid. Moreover, I characterized the […]

Goldyna Marthasya Simanjuntak

Goldyna Marthasya Simanjuntak

Name   : Goldyna Marthasya Simanjuntak Batch    : 2021 E-mail   : ggoldynath@gmail.com Interest : Protein engineering, diagnostic kit development, drug development, health biotechnology, industrial research and development. Research Experience The research I did during my study in Institut Teknologi Bandung’s biotechnology major was focused on protein engineering, particularly enzymes. I designed, expressed, and researched about engineered reverse transcriptase enzymes for […]

Alfonsus Adi Sadewa

Alfonsus Adi Sadewa

Name   : Alfonsus Adi Sadewa Batch    : 2020 E-mail   : sadewaadialfonsus@gmail.com, u428598c@alumni.osaka-u.ac.jp Interest : molecular biology, genetic engineering, medical and bioprocessing biotechnology, downstream processing, recombinant protein production, diagnostic kit and biologics development, cell line engineering, microbial and mammalian expression system, research and development. Research Experience My research focuses on the development and production of dengue virus multi-epitope subunit vaccine […]
