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Karlina Mellyani

Karlina Mellyani

Karlina Mellyani

Name  : Karlina Mellyani

Batch    : 2020

E-mail  : karlinamellyani99@gmail.com

Interest :  genomic and metagenomic analysis, diagnostics analysis, computational data science, bioinformatics, protein cloning and expression, vaccine development, research and development.

Research Experience

My thesis research focused on the metagenomic analysis of positif COVID-19 patients RNA-seq analysis. The aim of this study was compared and analyzed the profile of microorganisms in symptomatic and asymptomatic of COVID-19 patients, for the biomarker development of the COVID-19 severity. The background of this study came from the very diverse range of symptoms in COVID-19 patients from asymptomatic to causing death. Therefore, the result of this research might contribute to the prognosis and treatment of COVID-19 patients.


Bioinformatics analysis (Kraken2 in Bioconda environment), Statistical Computing and Graphics (with R studio),  Illumina Next Generation Sequencing, PCR and real time PCR, DNA/RNA Extraction, Gene cloning and expression, Gel-Electrophoresis (Agarose, SDS-PAGE), Microbiology Testing and Analysis (Isolation, Cultivation, Identification, Enumeration, Good Laboratory Practices)


Master degree in Biotechnology program was a great place to enhanced my research experience especially in medical fields. Besides, this program also enhance my interpersonal skills with various activites. The lecturer are supportive and encourage the students to be improved in academic and sofskills through academic activities. Students are offered many academic and non-academic activities such as conferences and research affairs. There are also many scholarship facilities, interesting internship and exchange programs, and double-degree programs.


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