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Monthly Archives: April 2022

Muhammad Fauzan Muttaqin Siregar

Muhammad Fauzan Muttaqin Siregar

Name   : Muhammad Fauzan Muttaqin Siregar Batch    : 2020 E-mail   : fauzan.muttaqin15@gmail.com Interest : Industrial biotechnology, mining biotechnology, petroleum biotechnology, bioprocess engineering, metabolite production. Research Experience My research focuses on the metagenomic mapping of the community structure of indigenous bacteria and their potential for MEOR activity. This research takes a role in the upstream part of a MEOR application […]

Graduation – April 2022

Graduation – April 2022

Congratulations to the Graduates of Biotechnology Master’s Program?! “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela Our most sincere congratulations to the amazing graduates of Biotechnology Master’s Program, Institut Teknologi Bandung. We are incredibly proud of how far you’ve all come in your time at Biotechnology, ITB. We […]

Ulya Alviredieta Malik

Ulya Alviredieta Malik

Name   : Ulya Alviredieta Malik Batch    : 2018 E-mail   : alviredieta.ulya@gmail.com Interest : Industrial biotechnology, aquaculture, microbial-enhanced feed technology, research and development. Research Experience The use of antibiotics, which was regarded as the golden standard of bacterial infection management in shrimp for years, has been limited and banned due to its negative effects to human and environment. Therefore, we […]

Kaim Maspudin

Kaim Maspudin

Name   : Kaim Maspudin Batch    : 2018 E-mail   :kmaspudin@gmail.com Interest : Industrial biotechnology, fermentation, bioprocess engineering, secondary metabolite production, research and development. Research Experience My research focuses on screening of anionic biosurfactant producing bacteria and biosurfactant activity in adsorption of lead heavy metal ion (pb). This research was conducted to examine the activity of anionic biosurfactants in the […]

Atika Afriani

Atika Afriani

Name   : Atika Afriani Batch    : 2018 E-mail   : 27.atika@gmail.com Interest : Industrial biotechnology, fermentation and bioprocess engineering, advanced agricultural biomass, by-product, and effluent research and development. Research Experience My research focuses on the optimization of Chlorella vulgaris biomass production and its quality and quantity of biochemical composition by adding molasses as organic carbon in mixotrophic cultivation. Improving biomass […]

Karlina Mellyani

Karlina Mellyani

Name  : Karlina Mellyani Batch    : 2020 E-mail  : karlinamellyani99@gmail.com Interest :  genomic and metagenomic analysis, diagnostics analysis, computational data science, bioinformatics, protein cloning and expression, vaccine development, research and development. Research Experience My thesis research focused on the metagenomic analysis of positif COVID-19 patients RNA-seq analysis. The aim of this study was compared and analyzed the profile […]

Harfi Maulana

Harfi Maulana

Name   : HARFI MAULANA Batch    : 2020 E-mail   : harfimaulana09@gmail.com   Interest : Medical biotechnology, Animal and human disease research, Animal testing, Molecular diagnostic, research and development. Research Experience My research focuses on development of specimen room-based tools for electrocardiogram analysis of wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced hyperlipidaemia in coronary heart disease study. I improved the ECG recording process […]

Nisrina Fitri Nurjannah

Nisrina Fitri Nurjannah

Name   : Nisrina Fitri Nurjannah Batch    : 2020 E-mail   : nisrinafn@gmail.com Interest : Aquaculture, environmental microbiology, microbial ecology, bioprocess engineering, research and development. Research Experience My research on aquaculture focused on the implementation of red seaweed prebiotic feed to increase the growth and disease resistance of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). I used variations of seaweed prebiotic as feed supplement […]

Andre Hendrawan

Andre Hendrawan

Name : Andre Hendrawan Batch : 2019 E-mail : andrehen95@gmail.com Interest : molecular biology, systems biology, synthetic biology, cell factory, biocatalysis Research Experience Andre’s graduate research focused on the heterologous expression of human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 capsid protein and was conducted under Dr. Azzania Fibriani. He constructed the yeast Pichia pastoris capable of producing L1 protein and performed the meta-analysis of […]

Anwar Fauzi R

Anwar Fauzi R

Name   : Anwar Fauzi Rakhmat Batch    : 2019 E-mail   : anwarfra@gmail.com Interest : Industrial biotechnology, molecular microbiology, environmental microbiology, microbial ecology, fermentation technology, bioprocess engineering, bioinformatics, research and development. Research Experience My research focuses on air microbiology to identify bacteria and virus, especially SARS-CoV-2, in air ambient from many places in Bandung and Jakarta using active sampling method. I […]
