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Miftahul Faridl

Miftahul Faridl

Miftahul Faridl

Name   : Miftahul Faridl

Batch    : 2020

E-mail   : miftahfarid97@gmail.com

Interest : Medical biotechnology, infectious diseases, gene expression analysis, molecular genetics

Research Experience

I researched the gene expression profile of oro-nasopharynx tissue from COVID-19 patients with multiple disease severities. Our work also includes the identification of bacterial coinfection and the infecting SARS-CoV-2 strains to better understand the pathology of severe COVID-19. Our work provides an array of molecular severity markers to predict the outcome of COVID-19 patients. I also participated in the sequencing of hundreds of SARS-CoV-2 genome during my course in this program.


Molecular biology techniques, next generation sequencing (NGS), transcriptomic analysis, metagenomic analysis


The ITB’s Biotechnology program provided me with advanced real-world application of life science, especially within the medical technology field. I managed to have a sharp understanding in the recent issue of biotechnology through coursework and direct interaction with the faculties. In addition, this program’s faculty members possess a multitude of expertise and collaborations with other institution that helped me to learn more and finish my research well.




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