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Aulia Gusning Ati

Aulia Gusning Ati

Aulia Gusning Ati

Name   : Aulia Gusning Ati

Batch    : 2020

E-mail   : auliagusningati@gmail.com

Interest : Industrial biotechnology, fermentation, bioprocess engineering, secondary metabolite production, research and development.

Research Experience

My research focuses on the optimization of biosurfactant production produced by oil well indigenous bacteria using a bioprocess engineering approach. I improved biosurfactant production by optimizing media production using several wastes found overflow in Indonesia and biosurfactant-producing bacteria immobilization. Moreover, I characterized the biosurfactant structure by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), determined the ionic charge by Agar Diffusion Test, and analyzed the efficiency of the biosurfactant. This research was aimed to lower the cost of biosurfactant production on an industrial scale.


Microbiology Testing and Analysis (Isolation, Cultivation, Identification, Enumeration, Good Laboratory Practices), DNA/RNA Extraction, PCR, Gel-Electrophoresis, gene cloning, bacteria immobilization, bioprocess and fermentation, microbial metabolites extraction, UV-Vis Spectrophotometry, statistical analysis (Minitab, Design Expert), and basic bioinformatics software.


Biotechnology master’s program is a great place to enhance my academic and interpersonal skills. The faculty and department provide me a chance to learn beyond the classroom boundary. The lecturers are very supportive and stimulate student’s personal growth through activities and conferences. Students are offered interesting scholarship facilities and guided to prestigious internship or exchange programs. Overall, my time in Biotechnology ITB has been spectacular.


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