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Safira Meidina Nursatya

Safira Meidina Nursatya

Safira Meidina Nursatya

Name: Safira Meidina Nursatya

Batch: 2018

E-mail: safirameidina12@gmail.com

Interest: Biomaterial and Medical Biotechnology

Research experience:

I was experiencing enormous research experience here since my research was part of research collaboration between Biology ITB department and Materials Science and Engineering ITB department. My research focused on developing skin tissue engineering using combinations of natural and synthetic polymer from silk fibroin, spidroin and PVA as a thin film scaffold. The study aims to determine the characteristics of the scaffold on the attachment of Human Dermal Fibroblast (HDF) from two field perspectives. From a material field perspective, I determined the scaffold’s chemical characteristics, surfaces, and mechanical properties using FTIR, SEM & Water Contact Angle, and Tensile Tests, respectively. On the other hands, I used MTT assay and SEM to characterize the scaffold’s biological properties. Based on the experiment, a combination of 70% fibroin, 10% spidroin, 10% PVA and 10% glycerol can be used as a thin film scaffold to support the adhesion and proliferation of HDF cells and potential for skin tissue engineering.


Cell culture, electrospinning, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), biomaterial (textile) characterization such as Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, swelling test, contact angle, and mechanical properties


Studying at Biotechnology SITH-ITB gave me a valuable experience. I get a lot of skills and experience in applicable research. The existing environment and facilities also support conducive learning.

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